The rhythm imposed by our societies of exessive competition and consume is a source of dysfunction of our well being.
Of course, the technology and the modern methods of organization of society have positive points: world wide easy communication between individuals and companies, real-time information, accessibility to knowledge to global intellectual resources …
The only thing is that this evolution was extremely fast and neither our bodies nor our minds were prepared to adapt to it.
Thus the ‘Sickness the centurie’ have appeared (back pain, insomnia, abusive stress, overwork and burn out ) as well as so-called civilization diseases (Parkinson’s, cancers, etc.).
In order to allow our selfs to fully find our place in this world and to keep balanced while going with this new life style that goes faster and faster, we have developped a method of personal development.
Focused on a work on awareness, posture, breathing, méditation, relaxation and moving routines, the process takes place in five main stages that will allow an effective and personalized action:
- A diagnosis of the overall state of the person (physical and emotional states, habits, level of concentration, motivation)
- Physical tests (mobility, dexterity and strength)
- Establishment of a program of exercises and practices.
- Setting goals that can be achieved in the short and medium term.
- A follow-up that can be either regular sessions, or virtual (confirmations of exercises by mail or conférence call).
Carrying out this specific approach will allow you to regain a healthy, peaceful and joyful life with a profound physical and mental growth and stability.