
Our teaching programs focus on four axes that interact with each other

They are :

  • Self Defense based on the knowledge of Wing Chun Kung Fu that was adapted to the contemporary needs of self-defense
  • The study in depth and the practice of the traditional Wing Chun kung fu with these six forms and its ancestral methodology ( three empty hands forms; ” The little idea form “Siu Nim Tao”, The seeking the bridge form ” Chum Kui” and the thrusting hands form ” Biu Jee” , the wooden dummy form, the long pole form and the Wing Chun Butterfly Swords form)
  • The study in depth and the practice of Qigong, the art of energy development from the great repertoire of traditional Chinese medicine
  • Personal development, an area more important than ever in a world where stress and anxiety are the everyday life of many people.